London Greens come together for AGM

Today the London Federation of Green Parties came together from across London to hold their AGM in Old Street. 

During the course of what was an exciting day for London’s Green Parties we heard from new Leader Natalie Bennett, Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones, AM and Jean Lambert, MEP. Hustings and elections also took place for London Green Party’s Officers for 2012-13. 

Jenny Jones, AM thanked the London Green Party for their 

support during her Mayoral Campaign

In her speech to the region, Natalie Bennett, newly elected Leader and local Green, spoke of her first days as Leader of the Party.  Natalie spoke of the problems Londeners  are now facing after decades of privatisation and support for the welfare of multinational companies over the welfare of people, as championed by first Labour and now the Coalition, and of the devestating impact this has had on our planet. Natalie finished her speech with a rallying cry to all London Greens, asking that each member consider what they are doing to help to translate the party’s vision for a better, more equal, healthier Britain into elected representatives to deliver it. 

The party also heard from Jenny Jones, AM and Green Mayoral Candidate, who thanked the London party for all their help during her campaign which saw her overtake Liberal Democrat candidate Brian Paddock to poll third in the Mayoral Race. Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, spoke about her work in the European Parliament linking climate/energy with economic recovery and jobs, promoting equalities and human rights across the globe, and about strategies to combat right wing extremism in Europe. 

New Officers for 2012-13 for the London Federation of Green Parties were also elected, with Tristan Smith elected alongside Noel Lynch as London Fed Co-ordinators. To find out more about our Officers please visit our contact us page. 

There were also tributes to Jon Norris and Margaret Wright, members who played a key role in the London Party who sadly passed away in the last year.

The day finished off with an auction to raise money for the London Green Party, with a particularly heated battle breaking out over a pot of Jenny Jones’ homemade jam and a jar of Natalie Bennett’s homemade cookies. 

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