New Green Party Leadership Announced

London Green Party are pleased to congratulate our new national Leader and Deputy Leader.

It was announced today that Natalie Bennett of Camden Green Party has been elected as the party’s new Leader, with Will Duckworth of Dudley, West Midlands elected as Deputy Leader.

Speaking on her campaign website, Natalie said “I am honoured by the party’s support and very pleased to take on the responsibility of helping us all to move towards promoting our vision of a radical new economic and environmental vision for Britain and electing many more councillors, MEPs and MPs around the country.” Natalie also spoke of looking forward to working with Cllr Will Duckworth, of Dudley Green Party, who has been a key figure in developing the successful “West Midlands Model.”

Natalie has been a member of Camden Green Party since 2006, and has been their Chair since 2011. She was on the Green Party list for the London Assembly earlier this year, and has also stood as a general election and local council candidate in London. 

London Green Party looks forward to working with Natalie and Will over the next two years, and wishes them the best of luck. We also thank Caroline Lucas, MP and Adrian Ramsay, outgoing Leader and Deputy Leader, the Electoral Returning Officer Jon Nott, and all London members who voted in the recent postal ballot.

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