London Green Party seeks new part-time press officer

The London Green Party is seeking a part-time Press Officer to join at the beginning of June to help generate coverage of the party’s work and support local parties’ media operations as we try to build on our new status as the capital’s third party.

The position will be reviewed in late September with the Fed very likely to continue to employ someone part-time in a similar support position.

If you would like to apply please send a copy of your CV and a letter of application setting out how you meet the criteria to Joe Williams, joint Fed Media Officer, on for applications: 5pm Friday 25th May 2012

Interviews will take place during the week of 28th May-1st June.


Job Title: Press Officer

Length of Contract: The contract will run from Tuesday 5th June until Friday 2nd November 2012 (five months), with the potential for renewal after this period.

Reporting to: Fed Media Officers

Place of Work: Green Party Office and (where appropriate) working from home

Hours: 12 hours per week, timetabled through agreement with line manager

Salary: £11.50 per hour

Main duties
1) Generate media coverage of the Fed’s work and promote the recognition in the media of the Greens as London’s third party.
2) Identify opportunities for coverage, issue press releases, pitch stories and react to journalists’ enquiries.
3) Develop relationships with London journalists.
4) Provide support, assistance and advice on media and online work to local parties across London.
5) Coordinate the Fed’s online communications, such as the website, facebook and twitter.
6) Help recruit and coordinate volunteers to assist with the Fed’s media and online work.
7) Provide other forms of support to local parties when required.

Person specification
1. Demonstrable experience working within a communication, press or other media environment.
2. Experience of working with published, electronic, and broadcast media
3. Experience of working in a political or campaigning environment.
4. A sympathy with and understanding of green politics.
5. Experience of working with volunteers.
6. Excellent oral and written communication and presentation skills
7. Creative written ability and ability to write press releases and briefings to tight deadlines
8. Computer literacy
9. The ability to perform internet-based research and write briefings
10. The ability to meet tight deadlines and prioritise competing demands
11. An ability to work with a wide range of people with varying demands
12. An understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities in employment and service delivery.

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