Green Party publishes most inclusive and accessible manifesto ever

The Green Party has published its most accessible and inclusive manifesto ever for the London mayoral and assembly elections on May 3rd.

Translated into 14 languages the party’s policy proposals are also available in Large Print Large Print, Easy-read, audio, British Sign Language and Subtitled versions. Campaign materials such as its London Green News have also been produced in a range of formats, including audio versions.

You can find the materials here

A specific ‘accessibility’ manifesto also sets out how the Green Party aims to make London an inclusive city. The Party has also produced a customised tube map, showing what the London underground looks like if you have a mobility impairment, which has gone viral across the internet and social media.

"The Green Party’s vision is of a truly inclusive capital where those who are too often excluded are placed at the centre of London’s life" said the Green Party’s mayoral candidate Jenny Jones.

"Our commitment to real equality in London is reflected not just in our policies but the way they are being presented and being made accessible to all Londoners.

"At this election every vote counts because of the proportional system. So every vote for a Green mayor or a Green Assembly member is a vote for an inclusive London."

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