Caroline Lucas and Jenny Jones visit Islington ahead of London elections

Caroline Lucas, the UK’s first Green MP and party leader will on Monday visit Islington to show her support for Jenny Jones’ Mayoral election campaign.

Lucas, named Westminster’s most influential MP in her first year in the Commons, Jones, Assembly Member since 2000, and other Green candidates vying for the Assembly will meet voters on Upper Street in Islington and discussed issues affecting the community, such as cost of housing, air pollution and the increasing gap between rich and poor.

Lucas said: "During the campaign, Jenny has already changed politics for good.

"Her calls for greater transparency of politicians’ pay and tax have rocked Westminster as well as City Hall, and London’s political map has been redrawn by the prominent, consistent involvement of a strong Green voice.

"By voting for Jenny and more Green Assembly members, London can becoming a model for the world in addressing climate change and fighting inequality."

Jones said: "Caroline has demonstrated that the Greens honour our promises when elected.

"By electing more Green Assembly members in May, London can help build a more equal, healthy and affordable city for everyone."

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