Green Party launches 2012 London Manifesto


Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones today unveiled the party’s manifesto for the 2012 London elections.

Joined by fellow Assembly Member Darren Johnson and other top candidates from the Party’s London-wide list, Jones set out their vision for a Green London that acts as a model for the world in addressing climate change; a city more equal, healthy and affordable for everyone.

Jones said: "A Green London will be a model for the world in addressing climate change, a city more equal, healthy and affordable for everyone.

"London needs a strong Green voice. We must cut our carbon emissions and be more responsible global citizens. We must protect green spaces, create jobs and look for creative solutions to the massive shortage of affordable housing.

"By voting to elect more Green Assembly Members under the proportional system, Londoners can really make the difference this year."

The manifesto includes five key promises:

1. Cutting fares and reducing traffic-ensuring public transport is always cheaper than driving and cleaning up London’s polluted air.
2. Improving green spaces and the environment-giving everyone access to nature and generating clean energy from waste.
3. Making housing more affordable-refurbishing a million homes and stabilising rent levels.
4. Reducing the gap between rich and poor-offering a job or apprenticeship to all young Londoners and creating a Fair Pay Mark for companies who reduce pay inequality
5. Rebuilding trust in policing-put more officers on the beat and stopping the cuts to back office staff.

You can find out more about the manifesto here.

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