‘Make The Difference’: Green Party launches high impact party election broadcast for London elections

Young Londoners feature in upbeat film directed by Rebecca Frayn, screenwriter for Luc Besson’s Aung San Suu Kyi biopic, and shot at famous Ealing Studios

The Green Party campaign for the 2012 London Mayoral and Assembly elections stepped up a gear today with the release of its hard hitting party election broadcast.

The stylish black and white film was directed by Rebecca Frayn, screenwriter for The Lady, Luc Besson’s biopic of Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi – and produced by Christina Robert, founder of Bright Green Pictures.

It features only children telling the camera about their vision for a better London – and how they would like voters in the city to use their ballot paper.

Jenny Jones AM, the Green Party’s candidate for London Mayor and the Assembly elections, said:

"The Greens want to make London a truly sustainable city and a more equal society, where problems like the lack of affordable housing and air pollution are tackled head on with new and creative ideas.

"This beautiful and high impact film perfectly captures the youthful spirit of our campaign, and I am deeply grateful to the incredibly talented director-producer team for making this happen."

You can watch the film here

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