World Health Day protest and play outside Department of Health this Saturday

Campaign and drama group Act!(ion) for the NHS will perform its first production on Saturday, which is also World Health Day. 

The group aims to develop forms of political action that combine culture and politics to raise awareness and rouse people to action in defence of the NHS.

Their first production is called ‘Lansley’s Bill’, was written by Mike Hart and directed by Hugh Allison.

The play follows Mrs Mopczinski’s journey from troubled cleaner to resister of the privatisation of the NHS.  It tells the story of the Health Bill’s transition to  law and attempts to persuade its audience that it can be resisted, all in less than 20 minutes.

The play will be performed outside the Department of Health in Whitehall during a picket of the department for World Health Day (Saturday 7th April 2012) at 1.30pm and 2.30pm.

More information can be found on the group’s website at 


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