Jenny Jones’ tax details for the last four financial years

Jenny Jones’ tax levels for the last four financial years:

Income £47,614.75
Tax £10.910.62

Income £59,997.51
Tax £13,595.60

Income £69,934.52
Tax £16,019.80

Income £58,300.66
Tax £16,032.65

Jenny’s income, which is currently drawn from the Greater London Authority but also included an allowance from the Metropolitan Police Authority during its existence (until earlier this year) and from Southwark Council while she was a Councillor (until 2010), is taxed at source through PAYE payments. The figures for 2008-09 include an estimate for Jenny’s MPA income (5,296.27) as the paperwork for this sum is unavailable. She does not receive a salary for any other organisation and does not employ any staff out of her own income. Jenny made the suggestion that each candidate publish their tax details during a debate with the current Mayor, Ken Livingstone and Brian Paddick on the BBC’s Newsnight, broadcast on 4 April.

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