Jenny Jones visits Barnet to pledge action on road safety

Green Party candidate for Mayor of London Jenny Jones today visited East Finchley to meet local voters and lay out policies designed to improve road safety.

In 2010 Barnet suffered more road casualties (1,599) than any other borough except Westminster (1,599).

Although causalities in Barnet were decreasing until 2008, they have increased under the current Mayor.

Jones said: "London’s transport policy should focus on the safety of those living on our streets, not just the car users that pass along them.

"Too many people are dying or being injured on Barnet and London’s roads. These incidents are tragic and avoidable. London needs a Mayor that will end the excuses and take the safety cyclists of all road users seriously-including cyclists and pedestrians."

Policies include:
1. Introducing 20mph limit on all streets where Londoners live, work and shop,
2. Creating dedicated, safe spaces to cyclists on main roads and rebuilding London’s most dangerous junctions.
3. Banning HGVs from narrow main roads, and pushing for registration and training for all HGV drivers.
4. Put a walking and cycling representative on the TfL Board
5. Reviewing traffic lights to ensure they give pedestrians and cyclists enough time
6. Creating a pedestrian zone extending across central London from east to west

Poppy said: "Barnet is threatening to review all our pedestrian traffic lights with a view to removing them.

"I have objected to this because it is aiming in exactly the wrong direction. We need to recover the sense that the roads are part of our community’s shared space, rather than through-routes on which cars must be allowed to travel as fast as possible."

Lynch, who only missed being elected in 2008 by 8,136 votes, is number three on the Green’s Londonwide list, so stands a very good chance of being elected, this time.

Lynch said: "Voters don’t always appreciate the importance of the Assembly. Jenny and Darren have achieved great things over the last 12 years".

You can find the Green Party London 2012 Road Safety Manifesto here:

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