Jenny Jones attends Critical Mass

On Friday Green Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones joined London-wide candidate Caroline Russell at the monthly Critical Mass ride, starting on the South bank.

Speaking at the protest, Jones said: "The number of casualties on London’s roads has begun to increase, after many years of decline.

 "The alarming rate of death and injury suffered by vulnerable road users, cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists on London’s roads is both tragic and avoidable. The current Mayor’s obsession with speeding up traffic must stop, we should ban HGVs from narrow main roads, and our transport strategy must focus on improving the safety of all road users, particularly at the most dangerous junctions.

"As Mayor I would add a walking and cycling representative to the TfL board and offer boroughs the money to introduce 20mph limits on residential roads. The cycle superhighways and hire scheme were a start, but we need to expand them both, enabling more Londoners to benefit."

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