Jenny Jones: young Londoners deserve a better deal

Jenny Jones today laid out her plan to help young people in London at a visit to youth engagement project Livity in Brixton, making pledges on work, travel, housing and education.

Unemployment among 16-24 year olds in London is higher than anywhere else in the country (22%), and the beginning of 2012 saw a decrease of 8.7% in national university applications as the effects of increased tuition fees kicked in. Train fares rose an estimated 5.9% in January.

Jones said: "The capital needs a Mayor for everyone, including young people.

"London is one of the most exciting cities in the world to be young, but the capital’s youth also face many challenges.

"As Mayor I would treat the needs of young Londoners as an absolute priority, not an afterthought, whether through the policies of City Hall or by standing up to Westminster over education cuts.

"All too often young people are treated with mistrust and have their needs ignored. Livity is a great example of how organisations and communities can come together to create opportunities for young people."

During the visit, Jones was interviewed by young journalists from Live Magazine, which is published on site.

The plan includes pledges to help young people:

– Find work by creating 150,000 high quality apprenticeships, generating jobs and creating graduate scheme
– Travel in London by freezing then reducing fares
– Earn more by extending the London Living Wage
– Find a home by building at least 15,000 affordable homes a year and strengthening the rights of private tenants
– Find education by campaigning to bring back Educational Maintenance Allowance and the abolition of tuition fees

More information on Jones’ youth manifesto can be found at: as/young-people/>

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