Big difference in borough cycle training for children

The latest available figures from Transport for London show that the number of children obtaining cycle training has remained steady at around 40,000 between 2008 and 2010. This is estimated to be under a third of the total eligible despite the Mayor’s commitment that "all Year 6 children [will] receive Level 2 training by 2012".

The figures show big differences in the numbers being trained in different local authorities. For example, there were 2,350 being trained in Barking and Dagenham, whilst only 292 were being trained in Hammersmith and Fulham. Although all children are being taught to national cycle training standards, some schemes (such as Bike it) offer a more intensive package of cycle training and support to the school.

Year All children trained Number achieving level 2
2007 30,693 17,178 (20% of year 6)
2008 39,118 22,565 (27% of year 6)
2009 40,000 est n/a
2010 40,047 n/a

Jenny Jones

"If we want future generations to cycle in London, then supporting cycle training in schools is the place to start. Whilst these figures don’t reflect the quality of the training provided by different boroughs, they do show that children in some boroughs have access to cycle training, whilst others have very little. The Mayor did originally make a welcome commitment to all 10 year olds having the opportunity to do some cycle training. I think the Mayor should take a more hands on approach to the cycling training in the boroughs, especially as Transport for London provide the bulk of the funding."

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