Greens mean business: Jenny Jones launches policies to provoke ‘renaissance’ in small and micro-businesses

Green Party mayoral candidate Jenny Jones has launched an online 10-point manifesto highlighting how as Mayor she would support London’s small businesses. 

The site, available at, outlines 10 reasons why those working with small businesses should vote Green in the forthcoming Mayoral and London Assembly elections.

Jones said: "The Green Party means business in London, and these 10 policies show how as Mayor I would ensure small businesses became an absolute priority for City Hall.

"Small businesses drive competition, provide much-needed innovation and contribute hugely to employment and turnover. Despite this, London’s small businesses receive a chronic lack of support from the Mayor and central government.

"When times are tough, we cannot take the jobs, services, innovation and community support that small businesses provide for granted. Support from City Hall must increase."

The party’s website includes detailed pledges to:

1) Ensure more public sector contracts go to small businesses
2) Protect and re-develop the traditional ‘high street’
3) Support a ‘renaissance’ of micro, small and medium-sized businesses
4) Use the Greater London Authority budget to support small businesses
5) Only work with banks that lend to small business
6) Maintain the CompeteFor system
7) Increase small business representation in the community
8) Ensure local businesses aren’t disadvantaged by congestion and parking
9) Prevent chain stores taking over independent shops
10) Encourage Londoner’s to "buy local"

The launch follows Jones’ announcement last year that a Green City Hall (including related organisations such as Transport for London) would only want to work with banks willing to loan to London businesses. Last year banks missed the $76bn target for lending to small businesses agreed with the government.

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Jones' Web page

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