Jenny Jones asks for urgent clarification as St Paul’s denies police’s claims of permission for clearing steps during Occupy eviction

A video has been circulated online that seemingly shows police claiming they have St Paul’s permission to clear the cathedral’s steps under section 14 of the Public Order Act during the eviction of Occupy protestors early Tuesday morning.

The police’s claims seem to contradict the cathedral’s assertion that no such permission was granted.

Jenny Jones, Green Party Mayoral candidate member of the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee, said: "Last night the police gave assurance to people on the steps of the Cathedral that they had the permission of St Paul’s to clear the steps of people praying. This is something that has now been called into question.

"Both the City of London Corporation and the Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral had been informed that there would be people praying on the steps.

"As the police authority for the City of London police, the City of London Corporation should urgently clarify whether they did in fact have permission from St Paul’s Cathedral to clear the steps as they told protestors they did. If they did not, then this may call into question the legality of the action that was taken."

The video can be found here:

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