Jenny Jones: Occupy protests did not need to end in conflict

In response to the overnight eviction of the Occupy London protests outside St Paul’s cathedral, Green Party Mayoral candidate, Jenny Jones, said:

"The fact that the Occupy London protests ended with conflict of any kind in this way was avoidable and unnecessary.

"The episode represents a missed opportunity for the authorities to engage with a group of people who represent very moderate, practical and fair aims.

"The protesters should have been allowed to appeal over their eviction.

"Although this may be the end of the camp this is not the end of this conversation. As suggestions today of a bank using a loophole to avoid paying £500m tax indicate, reform to the financial sector and on areas such as tax avoidance is urgently needed."

The Green Party’s Spring Conference in Liverpool last week declared it’s support for the global Occupy Movement, saying. A motion was passed saying the party "applauds the audacity" of the protestors.

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