Camden Green Party open new ‘pop-up’ shop in Tufnell Park for London election

The Green Party’s London mayoral candidate, Jenny Jones, last weekend officially opened Camden Green Party’s exciting new election pop-up shop. 


She said: "It’s great to see Camden Green Party taking this ambitious step forward. Camden voters will now be able to pop in to ask any questions they might like about Green Party policies, ideas and activities, volunteers will be able to get involved in a wide range of activities here, and this will be a base for a strong campaign for the Assembly and mayoral election on May 3.

"The Green Party has been taking great strides forward since the election of Caroline Lucas MP in 2010 – membership has nearly doubled – and Camden, with our excellent councillor, Maya de Souza, is one of our strongest areas in London.

"I believe that Camden residents will find our London manifesto attractive. It offers action towards making London a fair pay city, where no one is forced to exist on poverty wages. And it provides practical policies to make our streets safer and cleaner by reducing traffic and traffic speeds. And we have detailed plans to improve policing in the city, not by spending more money, but by using resources wisely.

"With elections on the orange ballot paper being proportional, Camden residents can not only re-elect Darren Johnson and me as Assembly members, but could also add to the Green presence and elect Camden resident Natalie Bennett to the Assembly."

Cllr de Souza said: "Highgate and other Camden residents are increasingly telling me that they want the Green Party to grow in strength and presence – because they find older parties are failing to adequately represent them or reflect their aspirations."

Furnishings for the office have been donated or loaned. There’s a lovely history behind one desk, which used to belong to the late David Fleming, one of the founders of the Green Party. It was in his Hampstead flat, and early meetings of the then Ecology Party would have been held around it.

The office is at 129 Fortess Road, NW5 2HR. It will be open from Tuesday-Saturday, 11am to 5pm (although visitors are welcome outside these hours when open).

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