Mayor could save Londoners further £113m on energy bills but has no funding in place

Darren Johnson has accused the Mayor of London of "hypocrisy" after the Mayor announced his home insulation programme had reached 40,000 homes, saving an estimated £4m on their energy bills. The Mayor has backed away from his target of reaching 1.2 million homes by 2015, and has no funding after he reaches 75,000. The combined energy bill savings if he had secured the funding would amount to a further £112.5m.

Darren commented,

"The Mayor has dithered while more than a million people have suffered three cold winters in a row in poorly insulated homes. It’s great that 40,000 people have now received help during his term of office, but they’re the tip of the iceberg.

"The Mayor recently propped his home insulation programme up by taking money from the council house refurbishment budget, which is robbing Peter to pay Paul. I tried to amend his budget showing how we could reach 200,000 homes by the end of the year, it’s just a matter of priorities. This Mayor is more interested in shaving a few pounds off people’s council tax bills than in insulating their freezing cold homes."

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