Proactive policing best hope to prevent future riots

Reacting to the Guardian and London School of Economics report on the riots of summer this year, Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the Metropolitan Police Authority said: "The SUS laws in the eighties were one of the main drivers behind the riots back then."

"Senior police have tried hard to avoid those same mistakes being made, but the evidence from the Guardian-LSE study shows that many young people are feeling increasingly alienated from the police because of the large scale use of stop and search, whilst receiving little in the way of protection."

"Violence against young people has been rising in London during the last three years, despite the Mayor being elected to bring it down. Boris has supported an increased number of stop and searches, but it is a counter productive tactic."

"Our best hope of preventing future riots is to have pro-active policing which reduces violence against young people, combined with a more intelligent and targeted approach to stop and search. We need to do less of it, but better."

"The upside will be improved relations between young people and the police, and hopefully enable the police to receive the ‘word from the street’, which they need to do their job."

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