Jenny Jones: I unequivocally support strikes against ideologically-driven pension cuts

In advance of Wednesday’s public sector strikes, Jenny Jones said: "The Green party unequivocally supports the strike on public sector pensions and our members will be involved in rallies and picket lines across London.
"We believe this strike could have easily been avoided if the government had been willing to negotiate with unions but their reckless attitude has given public sector workers no choice but to withdraw their labour.
"With the median pensions for a woman employed by the NHS standing at just £3,500 a year and just £2,600 for a female local government employee, the government is relying on misinformation on ‘golden plated pensions’ to push through unnecessary cuts to some of the country’s most important workers.
"The simple truth is the money is there and by cutting tax evasion and avoidance and introducing a Robin Hood tax on financial transactions these ideologically-driven cuts would be exposed as unnecessary."

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