London falling behind on solar panel installations

Darren Johnson AM has criticised the Mayor of London for delaying and underfunding key programmes to promote the uptake of solar panels. Figures from Ofgem show that only 3,021 renewable energy installations were fitted in London since April 2010, making it the second worst region in the UK. The Mayor has underspent his climate change budgets by £40m, delaying and cutting back programmes that could have fitted solar panels to tens of thousands of homes and workplaces.

"We have three million homes in London but only three thousand had solar panels installed. If the Mayor had got his act together we could have fitted tens of thousands of panels on newly insulated homes across the capital."

"While the Mayor dithered the Government has slashed his budgets and halved the Feed in Tariff. This abject failure has cost Londoners money and jobs. I have written to the Government calling on them to drop the Feed in Tariff cuts."


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