Greens to put transport inclusion at heart of Lambeth & Southwark campaign

Southwark resident and Green Mayoral candidate, Jenny Jones AM will join Jonathan Bartley, the Green London Assembly candidate for Lambeth and Southwark on Friday 4th November to support an ‘inclusive transport’ campaign marking the launch of the party’s election campaign in the two constituency boroughs.

They will come together with local supporters to stage a "go slow" at the location of a new section of cycle superhighway due to open in 2013, near the border between Lambeth and Southwark, highlighting the dangers and a call for measures to make cycling in the capital safer and more accessible, including a 20mph speed limit.

Research by Lambeth and Southwark Greens has found that the boroughs get one of the rawest deals in London when it comes to transport, with large numbers of local people excluded, pushed out or discouraged from using parts of the transport system through fears about safety or inaccessibility. Notably:

· Lambeth and Southwark account for half of the ten most dangerous locations in London for cyclists (1)

· Of the 32 boroughs in London Lambeth has the second highest casualty rate in for both pedestrians and cyclists. Southwark has the fourth highest overall casualty rate. (2)

· Of the 8 tube stations in Lambeth only 1 (Brixton) is wheelchair accessible. A freedom of information request submitted by Green candidate for Lambeth and Southwark Jonathan Bartley uncovered that the lifts at Brixton station have been out of order for 164 days since 2006.

· Eight out of eleven overground stations in Southwark could soon be impacted by cuts leaving them unstaffed and "no go areas" for many travellers. This is likely to make it the hardest hit area in the whole country if the proposals go ahead. (3)

· Both Lambeth and Southwark’s Taxicard schemes, providing subsidised door-to-door transport for people with mobility impairments, have been slashed by 33% and 25% respectively. (4)

Jonathan Bartley says:

"There is an apartheid that runs throughout our transport system which excludes whole sections of London. Nowhere is this more true than in Lambeth and Southwark – and the situation is getting worse not better."

During the election campaign, Greens in Lambeth and Southwark will highlight the different features of the exclusion, and put forward proposals to tackle it. The campaign begins with a focus on the dangers of cycling in London, with many cyclists and potential cyclists too frightened and daunted by the prospect of getting on a bike in the Capital. A cyclist was killed on the Capital’s superhighway for the first time last week. (5)

Bartley continues: "In 2013 the superhighway CS5 will open, running from Lewisham to Victoria along Peckham Road and Camberwell New Road. This should be good news for cyclists, but few will feel that they can access the route safely because of the speed of traffic. Both the Mayor and Transport for London acknowledge that 20 mph limits significantly reduce casualties. (6) So why are they not introducing a 20mph limit as they have done elsewhere? (7)

"There are some very practical and sensible steps that can be taken to make cycling safe and accessible to all which could see a real cycling revolution in the Capital. Dropping the speed limit to 20 mph would not only make roads safer and encourage cycling, it would improve the traffic flow with less stopping and starting, and improve air quality. The ‘Dutch Scheme’ could also be introduced to give cyclists dedicated space in which they would feel safe. London’s roads should be accessible for all."

Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones said: "Jonathan is passionate about the communities in his constituency and I know as an Assembly Member he would be a determined and effective advocate for their needs. Throughout London the Green Party has enthusiastic, informed members who are working with other local people and effectively campaigning for improvements for their areas, working towards the creation of a fairer, more inclusive, greener city." (8)


(1) Information came to light in response to a question to the Mayor of London Question No: 2996 / 2011
(2) See:
(3) The Government is considering proposals in a report by businessman Sir Roy McNulty, which recommends cuts of £1 billion across the national network. This was highlighted by the TSSA union who listed 675 stations around the country who would be affected.
(4) Details of Lambeth Taxicard cuts: Details of Southwark Taxicard cuts:
(6) In response to Question No: 2641 / 201 (14th September) the mayor acknowledged: "The School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that 20mph zones have reduced casualties by up to 40% in locations where they have been implemented in London."
(7) As part of the implementation of new Cycle Superhighway 8, a 20mph speed limit was introduced at Old York Road. See Response to written question from the mayor: Question No: 2641 / 201 (14th September)
(8) Jonathan Bartley has lived in Lambeth and Southwark for most of his life. He hit the headlines during the 2010 general election campaign when he publicly challenged David Cameron over his policy toward the inclusion of disabled children. He was vice-chair of the "Yes" campaign during the recent referendum on changing the voting system (Lambeth and Southwark both voted "yes"). He worked for four years in the House of Commons on a cross-party basis, including with one Prime Minister, and ran a Parliamentary committee on Inner Cities. He is the chair of Trustees for the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education and a Trustee of the inclusion Trust. He has been a school governor in two schools, and is involved in several community projects including the Transition Town movement. He is the founder and director of the thinktank Ekklesia, and is frequently heard on television and radio – in particular BBC 1’s Sunday morning programme the Big Questions and BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine Show.
(9) More information on Jenny Jones’ campaign can be found at
(10) You can find a list of Jenny’s policies at
(11) The Green Party currently has two London Assembly Members: Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson.
(12 The party is standing a full slate of candidates for all 25 seats on the London Assembly. You can find the list at:
(13) The Green Party of England and Wales promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy, a more equal society, a higher standard of democracy and accountability of politicians to the communities they serve, and social justice on the global level as well as in our own country.
(14) Caroline Lucas became the UK’s first Green MP in the 2010 General Election.
(15) The Green Party is now the largest party on Brighton and Hove Council. Lambeth Green party is the largest local Green party in London.


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