Thousands of jobs at risk in London due to energy tariff cut

The Government’s proposals to cut the amount of money paid to homes and businesses that generate their own energy could derail thousands of jobs and a growing solar industry in London. In addition to the companies manufacturing and installing solar panels that the Mayor wants to attract to the capital, projects to refurbish tens of thousands of homes and workplaces depend on the income from the Feed in Tariff to pay for some of the more expensive refurbishment work.

Figures compiled by Darren also show that City Hall, the London Fire Brigade and Metropolitan Police stand to lose over £70,000 in income.

"If the Government wants to secure our energy supply with renewables and create jobs in green industries then it needs to send out a consistent message. Thousands of jobs have been planned on the back of the Feed in Tariff, which these cuts put at risk.

"This is bad for the environment and bad for the economy."


Notes to editors

Answers received by Darren Johnson from the Mayor indicated that the following income from the Feed in Tariff was expected prior to these proposed cuts:

GLA – £12k
London Fire Brigade – £29k
Met Police – £100+
TfL – unknown

The Mayor estimates that his climate change programmes alone could create 14,000 jobs, many of which are based on projects that use the Feed in Tariff revenue.

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