Greens launch Greenwich & Lewisham election bid

The Green Party has selected Roger Sedgley as its candidate for Greenwich & Lewisham in the London Assembly elections next May.

Roger Sedgley will formally launch his campaign next week, along with Green Candidate for Mayor of London, Jenny Jones, and Green Assembly Member Darren Johnson. Activists and candidates will mark the launch by highlighting their support for a new campaign to reduce inequality in the capital, and make London a Fair Pay City.

Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson, both Members of the London Assembly since its inception in 2000, will join Roger Sedgley at Deptford Bridge, where the two boroughs meet, to publicise the 10:1 campaign, which calls for businesses, councils and other employers in London to ensure that their lowest-paid employee earns not less than one-tenth of their highest-paid.

Roger Sedgley, standing for the Greens in the Greenwich & Lewisham constituency, said:

"The very simple idea behind the 10:1 campaign is a way to help to narrow the huge gulf in London between those who have, and those who are less fortunate.

"Islington Council has already committed to it – its Chief Executive Lesley Seary earns no more than 10 times what Islington’s lowest-paid worker takes home. I want employers across London to follow Islington Council’s example.

"Green councillors in Lewisham successfully fought for a policy where all Lewisham Council workers AND workers on outsourced contracts are paid at least the London Living Wage of £8.30 an hour. Greens will fight to put more money in the pockets of ordinary hardworking Londoners."

Speaking about the Green campaign for the London Assembly, Roger said:

"Electing more Greens will make London a fairer city to live and work in. As the Green candidate for the London Assembly constituency of Greenwich and Lewisham I will work actively to make sure there is a credible Green voice in the election campaign locally, and I will support the campaign for the London-wide list vote to get Greens re-elected on the Assembly."

Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones said:

"The 10:1 campaign is just one of the fresh ideas that only the Green Party is bringing to London during this election campaign. We want to make London the Fair Pay City and City Hall should lead by example to restrain excessive salaries-and ensure its employees are paid a wage with which they can support their families.

"Roger is passionate about the communities in his constituency and I know as an Assembly Member he would be a determined and effective advocate for their needs. Throughout London the Green Party has enthusiastic, informed members effectively campaigning for improvements for their areas, working towards the creation of a fairer, cleaner, greener city."


a) Roger Sedgley has lived in both Greenwich and Lewisham boroughs for the last 25 yeas. He works in an architects practice based in Greenwich Town Centre.
b) Roger has been an active member of the Green Party since 2005 and currently holds the post of Lewisham Green Party joint co-ordinator. He previously stood as a candidate for Lewisham Council in the last two local elections.
c) More information on Jenny Jones’ campaign can be found at
d) You can find a list of Jenny’s policies at
e) The Green Party currently has two London Assembly Members: Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson.
f) The party is standing a full slate of candidates for all 25 seats on the London Assembly. You can find the list at:
g) The Green Party of England and Wales promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy, a more equal society, a higher standard of democracy and accountability of politicians to the communities they serve, and social justice on the global level as well as in our own country.
h) Caroline Lucas became the UK’s first Green MP in the 2010 General Election.
i) The Green Party is now the largest party on Brighton and Hove Council.

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