Chris Smith calls for action on Brick Lane – “Council’s shame”

In the last few years Brick Lane has grown into a prime tourist destination bringing much needed revenue into the local area, writes the Green Party’s City and East candidate, Chris Smith. Businesses have been developed to help make Brick Lane into one of the most dynamic areas of London. This is contrasted with the failure of Tower Hamlets Council to manage the opportunities which this area offers.

Anyone who has visits Brick Lane at the weekend will see that a festival atmosphere prevails. But the Council has failed in its duty of care to provide adequate safety and environmental facilities.

1. There is an inadequate provision of bins in the street. Rubbish is allowed to pile up in the street, and when it is collected all of it is taken to landfill. There are no recycling bins despite vast quantities of plastic and cans. Furthermore the council has not provided any street bins designed for cigarette butts and chewing gum. There is an urgent need for proper rubbish management, not just sweeping up the mess from the street.



3. The on-going issue of traffic management is now critical. Tourists are required to dodge cars at peak times along sections of Brick lane. What’s more the councils (welcome) addition of a barrier on Sundays at the northern end of Brick Lane has stopped traffic entering the main market area. However drivers are not informed when they enter Brick lane that the north section is closed. Therefore drivers are still entering the street from the south only to find that they cannot complete the journey to the top of Brick Lane. This causes drivers to drive along a stretch of road unnecessarily causing continuous chaos.


4. Toilet facilities. For residents the sight of people urinating on the streets has become common place. This often takes place in the residential areas and blocks nearby. The Council must remedy this. The obvious solution is the temporary structures common in many European cities and London’s West End. They can be available at the weekend times when the need is greatest, and discretely stored at other times. With the 2012 Olympics nearly upon us, adequate provision for toilet facilities for both men and women must be made.


Tower Hamlets Greens are determined to make the council face up to its responsibilities ahead of the 2012 games and provide world class facilities for visitors. At a time when the recently elected Mayor spends £100,000 on a new office it is unconscionable that such an important London tourist destination is so badly neglected.

Green Party Mayoral Candidate Jenny Jones visited the area recently and commented on the situation



For further information on Chris Smith’s election campaign see here.

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