Jenny Jones supports ‘Summer Streets’ pedestrianisation proposal

Jenny Jones, London Assembly member and Green Party Mayoral Election candidate, has pledged support for the New West End Company’s proposal to pedestrianise central London streets on certain days of the year. 1.

Jones said: "This is exactly the sort of idea the Green Party will get behind: supporting businesses, helping Londoners move around easily, encouraging tourists to visit and doing a great deal to make our roads safer and reduce pollution too.

"I asked the Mayor’s office to conduct a feasibility study of a pedestrian zone in central London in 2007.

"All to often we hear the same old arguments that improving our city – whether by introducing measures on air quality or making the streets friendlier to pedestrians and cyclists – inevitably entails a high cost for the people who live and work here.

"The New West End Company’s proposal shows that London’s businesses, residents and the authorities can work together to improve quality or life and trade at the same time."

Notes to editors:

[1]Jenny Jones will address the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Thursday morning.
[2] The London Green Party’s candidate for the London mayoral election is Jenny Jones.
[3] The party currently has two London Assembly Members: Jenny Jones and Darren Johnson.
[4] Membership of the London Green Party doubled between the mayoral election in May 2008 and September 2011.
[5] The party has eleven candidates for the Assembly elections. You can find the list here:
[6] The party is also standing candidates in the 14 Assembly constituencies across London.
[7] The Green Party of England and Wales promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy, a more equal society, a higher standard of democracy and accountability of politicians to the communities they serve, and social justice on the global level as well as in our own country.
[8] Caroline Lucas became the UK’s first Green MP in the 2010 General Election.
[9] The Green Party is now the largest party on Brighton and Hove Council.



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