Green MEP calls for greater protection of sexual orientation and gender identity

The European Parliament has today passed a resolution calling upon the Commission to ensure sexual orientation and gender identity rights are fully upheld across EU Member States, including the right to freedom of expression and the right to non-discrimination.

MEPs also called upon the Commission to produce a comprehensive ‘roadmap’ against homophobia and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights guarantees the right to equality for all LGBT people, yet research carried out by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights concludes that LGBT people in the EU face discrimination and a vulnerability to verbal and physical attacks.

Jean Lambert MEP, member of the European Parliament Civil Liberties Committee, said: "EU law assures equal treatment for all people regardless of their sexual orientation in employment and training, yet the LBGT community remains open to discrimination across other areas of life.

"Whilst some Member States have made significant progress in creating equality before the law, aiming to stamp out discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, others have seen a rise in homophobic sentiments and attacks. This is simply unacceptable. All Member States and international organisations have a role to play in developing a climate where this kind of intolerance is rejected outright. I welcome today’s resolution but was distressed to see how many Members voted against. This demonstrates the need for action."

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