Will Lane Rental lead to more night time road works?

Darren Johnson is concerned that the Lane Rental scheme being put forward by the Mayor of London will lead to an increase in road works being carried out at weekends and at night in residential areas. The Mayor recently stated that the "Lane Rental Scheme has been designed to encourage more off-peak working, including weekends and evenings, to reduce the disruption caused from road and street works during the busier peak hours". 

Darren Johnson said: "I understand the desire to avoid road works disrupting the rush hour, but there needs to be safeguards in residential areas to prevent local people being driven mad by noise going on late into the evening, or being woken up early in the morning at weekends. 

"I am also concerned that companies doing road works will store all their equipment on the pavement in order to avoid charges being incurred for occupying the road. The unintended consequence of keeping the road clear for traffic could be cluttering up the pavements. These are not insurmountable problems, but I am worried that not enough thought has been given to these impacts on local people and pedestrians."






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