Brighton Greens head to Highgate as by-election campaign steps up a gear

The Greens’ bid to reclaim a council seat in the September 15th Highgate by-election has received fresh impetus with the backing of Brighton Greens and, in particular, city councillor Alex Phillips who canvassed the ward with a mini army of members from across the capital over the weekend.

Ms Phillips, who was a leading member of the team that ran MP Caroline Lucas’s historic general election campaign last year and was elected as the youngest councillor on Brighton and Hove City Council at age 24 in 2009, said:

"It’s very likely that we’ll win this by-election as we have Maya De Souza who is so hardworking and set such a fine example of what Greens can achieve.

"People already have a positive image of the Green Party in Highgate, and with well known eco-champion Alexis Rowell as our candidate, it’s a really exciting election. There aren’t many places in London where we have this chance.

Camden Greens can expect more support from Brighton in the run up to the 15th, with members and councillors alike offering to put their weight behind the campaign. Ms Phillips adds:

"I’m here to support London Greens where they are going to do well, in the same way that London Greens supported Brighton and Hove. I am just the first of many. I am expecting more Brighton Greens to be coming up to Highgate to support this by-election."


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