Jenny Jones to address emergency Tottenham meeting on youth crisis

This evening (August 17) Green London Assembly member and member of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), Jenny Jones, will join a panel of experts, people known and respected by the Tottenham community for their knowledge and understanding of local issues, to offer support and join in efforts to find solutions to the crisis affecting young people.

Jones will address the emergency meeting [1] called by concerned residents and supporters following her visit to Tottenham last Saturday where she spoke to local people about the riots. She says:

"I want to better understand why so many young people have given up hope and explore the reasons why this has happened. I will then feedback to the MPA and work with the police as they review their tactics on dealing with rioting."

Jenny Jones has been at the forefront of challenging the Metropolitan Police to account for deaths in custody.

Notes to editors

[1] Other speakers on the panel include: Lee Jasper – BARAC, Merlin Emmanuel – Justice 4 Smiley Culture, Ken Hines – Chair Monitoring Stop and Search Group, Symeon Brown – youth worker. For more info tel: 07960239493 or 07882403871. Sponsored by SLR Radio, 97.7fM.

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