‘Give us fresh ideas, not chain stores’, say locals in response to town centre plans

Plans to turn Lewisham town centre into a major retail hub have drawn sharp criticism from local campaigners.

Lewisham Council gave local people until last Friday to submit their views on the Lewisham Town Centre Area Action Plan, which includes proposals to seek Metropolitan Centre status for Lewisham by building 40 000 square metres of new retail space.

In its official response, Lewisham Green Party criticized such a move, and urged the Council to come up with fresh ideas for the future of shopping and commerce in the borough.

Roger Sedgley, co-convenor of Lewisham Greens, said:

"The Town Centre Area Action Plan makes a few small steps in the right direction on some issues, like housing, employment and open spaces. But there is still a huge amount of room for improvement.

"For starters, moving Lewisham to the status of Metropolitan Centre by 2026 is totally misguided.
The plan offers a simplistic vision for a successful local economy: yet more chain shops.

"Why seek to compete with Bromley, the West End, Canary Wharf, Bluewater, and the mammoth new shopping complex at the Olympic Park in Stratford? The way to create a vibrant town centre for Lewisham is to offer something different from the same old chains.

"That means policies that allow shopping units to be made available on a wider tenure for local start up shops and businesses. We need a diverse mix of shops, bars and cafes, so that Lewisham comes alive at night, not just during the day.

"It also means encouraging local businesses to grow locally, creating new jobs on Lewisham’s doorstep.
We already have the market, and first class transport links. The next stage of planning for the town centre needs to address new ideas that build on the strengths of Lewisham, so that a new kind of town centre can evolve."


1. Lewisham Council’s consultation on the Town Centre Area Action Plan can be found here: http://lewisham-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/planning_policy/ltc_further_options
2. If you would like a copy of Lewisham Green Party’s full response to the consultation, please contact our Press Officer, Anthony Shuster 07814 519049

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