High Court ruling on Met Police kettling

The High Court ruled today that police acted unlawfully when they "kettled" protesters during G20 demonstrations in the City of London two years ago. Two protesters – Josh Moos, a campaigner for Plane Stupid, and Hannah McClure, had challenged the restraint used against them at the Camp for Climate Action in Bishopsgate on April 1 2009.

Officers in video footage taken on the day were seen to strike demonstrators who cannot be seen to be engaged in any violence.

Jenny Jones, Green member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said:

"This decision means that the Met will have to reconsider all use of the kettling tactic for demonstrations. It’s my view that they have used kettling illegally, and sometimes violently, on peaceful demonstrations since May 2001. Kettling takes away the human rights and civil liberties of innocent, legal protesters, which finally the court has recognised."

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