Green MEP joins European Parliament in condemning sexual assaults in North Africa

Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert has today supported the European Parliament’s adoption of a resolution which strongly denounces sexual assaults on women in North Africa including the torturous, forced ‘virginity tests’ that have taken place in Egypt.

The resolution, which focuses on the use of sexual violence in conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East, condemns the targeting of peaceful female demonstrators during the recent political upheaval in Libya and Egypt and calls for an independent inquiry to be established to hold the perpetrators accountable.

Speaking after the vote, Jean, who sits on the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, said: "The fact that women across the world are still prevented from expressing their views on the democratic future of their country due to fear of violent attacks and intimidation is a stain on the conscience of the international community. The situation cannot be ignored – it demands decisive action.

"The current political changes taking place in North Africa and the Middle East must result in the creation of new, democratic frameworks which protect women and girls from violence and allows for their voices to be heard. I urge the European Union to do all it can to end discrimination against women and to use its influence to ensure effective and systematic equality in the European Neighbourhood."

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