London’s Green MEP joins March Against Cuts

London’s Green MEP, Jean Lambert will take to the streets tomorrow to join the hundreds of thousands of people using their feet to protest against the Government’s reckless public spending cuts.

The March for the Alternative, led by the TUC, will unite people from across the country opposed to the package of austerity measures which will damage public services, send unemployment soaring and disproportionately hit those most in need.

Speaking ahead of the march, Jean said: "The Government continues to tell us that there is no alternative to their programme of savage cuts but this just simply isn’t true.

"The Green Party has the positive ideas that will make a difference. Instead of growing unemployment and horrendous service cuts, we choose the creation of a million extra jobs, the introduction of a Living Wage and tax increases for the very wealthy. Now is not the time for vicious cuts. Now is the time for a new vision and new action."

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