Mayor of London says he won’t oppose closure of King George Hospital A&E

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, stated that he did not believe it would be "appropriate" for him to lobby the Government against their proposal to close the Accident and Emergency unit at King George Hospital in Redbridge.

This statement was made by the Mayor in response to London Assembly member, Darren Johnson’s question at the February Mayor’s Question Time, urging him to make representation to Government to maintain the A&E unit.

(1) The population of Redbridge is predicted to increase by 13,000 inhabitants in the next decade.

(2) Darren Johnson said: "The Mayor has failed to give clear backing to the threatened King George Hospital A&E. If he is serious about his duty to tackle health inequalities, he needs to take a much more active role in defending vital frontline services"

Darren added: "Closure really makes no sense, particularly as existing A&E units are already overstretched and as London’s population is growing. This proposed closure will be bad for local people who will be forced to travel much further, bad for other A&E units who will have to deal with more patients and bad for general health inequalities"

Editor’s Notes

(1) According to the GLA Intelligence Update, 2009 Round Demographic Projections for the London Plan (revised): Redbridge’s population is predicted to rise from 258,000 in 2011, to 265,000 in 2016, to 271,000 in 2021; Barking & Dagenham’s population is predicted to rise from 177,000 in 2011, to 192,000 in 2016, to 206,000 in 2021; Havering’s population is predicted to rise from 231,000 in 2011, to 242,000 in 2016, to 252,000 in 2021.

(2) Darren Johnson’s Question to the Mayor of London at the February 2011 Mayor’s Question Time

Threat to King George Hospital A&E
Question No: 681 / 2011

Question by Darren Johnson:
Will you oppose the proposal to close the Accident and Emergency unit at King George Hospital in Redbridge? Will you agree to make a representation to Government for maintaining this unit?

Written answer from the Mayor, Boris Johnson:
During my term of office there have been a number of questions raised concerning my views on proposed service changes at specific trusts. My position on these matters remains unchanged.

As you know I am not accountable for such reconfiguration decisions, however through my Health Inequality Strategy I have highlighted the importance of all Londoners having access to a good quality health system (covering primary, community and secondary and tertiary care).

On a pan London basis, the existing provision of all these services is not delivering the quality outcomes or reducing health inequalities at the pace which I would wish. I am glad that going forward, such strategic decisions will be clinically led. During this transition, I would want to support the emerging GP leadership as they develop ways of determining which of the available options will produce the best health outcomes for the Capital.

At this point, I don’t believe that the intervention which you are proposing would be appropriate.
I do believe that previous NHS reviews have been significantly undermined by an understandable lack of trust on the part of the public in the decisions being taken, caused by the absence of routinely available quality and performance information. To address this I am working with NHS colleagues to utilise the London Data Store and am seeking to promote other ways of getting meaningful data into the public domain. In so doing, I hope that this will also support patient choice.

Axing A&E services and population growth
Question No: 683 / 2011

Question by Darren Johnson:
At a time when London’s population is increasing and there is an increase demand on frontline services such as A&E units, will you agree to make representation to government to refrain from cutting A&E units?

Written answer from the Mayor, Boris Johnson:
Please see my response to MQ681 / 2011.

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