Jenny Jones request for information on the policing of 24th November student protests in London

Letter from Jenny Jones to protesters at student tuition fees demos of 24th November:

I am a member of the London Assembly and hold the Mayor to account in areas such as transport, London’s environment and policing.

I was at the student demonstrations against tuition fee increases in Whitehall on the 24th November and have spoken publicly about my experiences of the policing of the protests. In order to speak for a wider group, I’d like to hear from people who were demonstrating that day. If you were there, please send me information about the following:

  • Which location(s) were you protesting at?
  • Can you provide examples of the policing you witnessed, both good and bad?
  • Have you been on protests before or was this your first one? 
  • And, would you join a protest again?

I’ll gather all the replies I receive and put them into an open letter to the Mayor and the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. I want to make sure that they hear the voices of people who were there on the day and get a real sense of how those involved experienced the policing of the protests.

I will keep your names and addresses confidential [1], but will include in the open letter your gender, age and area (for example, male, 22, North London) so please put those facts in your email. If you could send me information by the 12th December it will be included in the letter. If you write after that, I’ll include your reply in any later letter.

Please email me on

I look forward to hearing from you.

Jenny Jones

Jenny Jones AM
Green Party Group
London Assembly

Jenny Jones is our candidate for London Mayor 2012. For more information on her campaign, please visit


[1] Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Such information will not be disclosed to any unauthorised person and we will only disclose information to third parties if explicitly required to do so by English Law.

Please let us know if you do not want to be included on a mailing list and receive information about the work of London Assembly member, Jenny Jones, by responding by e-mail, in writing or by telephone to the officer whose details are given below.

The GLA does not collect or compile personally identifying information for dissemination or sale to external parties for marketing purposes or host mailings on behalf of third parties.

If you need any further information please contact the officer whose details are given below:
Tel: 020 7983 4358
Fax: 020 7983 4398
In writing to: Louise Jefferies, Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London SE1 2AA


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