Green MEP visits Pakistan to highlight humanitarian situation

Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, is travelling to Pakistan today to highlight the ongoing humanitarian situation in the country following the devastating floods this summer [1].

Jean, who is Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to South Asia, said: "Pakistan may have slipped out of the headlines but the critical problems this country is facing as a result of the devastating floods have not gone away.

"I am expecting to witness wide-scale destruction, but I hope too to be encouraged by the work of the Pakistani Government and international aid organisations in helping to alleviate the suffering of the millions of people affected by this tragedy. I am particularly interested in seeing how the special needs of women and children are being addressed and how the 415 million euros in emergency aid raised by the EU and Member States combined is being spent.

"In July, this extraordinary disaster drew the world’s attention to the particular threats South Asia is facing in view of extreme weather conditions possibly linked to climate change. It is important that this attention does not wane and we must focus the reconstruction project on adaptation measures and disaster-preparedness.

"My visit also serves as another opportunity to call on the Council and Commission to consider further support measures for Pakistan beyond humanitarian aid. I am sure that the Pakistani Government will be taking its own measures to ensure sound and accountable finances to assist its recovery. Debt relief and cancellation, as well as some enhanced market access for Pakistan exports, must be seriously considered by the international community to assist the large-scale reconstruction and help achieve long-term stability for the people of Pakistan.


Notes to Editors

[1] This visit has been organised by the European Delegation to South Asia. Jean will be in Pakistan from Saturday 30 October to Monday 3 November inclusively. During the visit, Jean will travel to flood affected areas in the Islamabad vicinity, meet with high-profile politicians and representatives from UNICEF, and the World Bank.

Jean Lambert is one of eight MEPs representing London and one of two UK Green representatives in the European Parliament. Jean was first elected Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London in the 1999 European elections and was re-elected in 2004 and 2009.


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