Green Party backs national anti-racist demo

The Green Party has announced its backing for the national demonstration against racism, fascism and Islamophobia on Saturday 6th November in London.

The party has added its name to the statement backing the demo called by Unite Against Facism (UAF), backed by the TUC, the Muslim Council of Britain and a range of trade union leaders, faith and community groups.

The march assembles on Saturday 6 November at 12 noon, Malet Street, London WC1. UAF says the aim of the demo is to bring together the widest possible alliance of people opposed to racism, fascism and Islamophobia – and show that the vast majority of people are opposed to the racism of the English Defemce League and the fascists of the British National Party.

Green Party MP and leader Caroline Lucas said:

"Racism, fascism, Islamophobia and antisemitism have no place in a civilised society and must be firmly resisted. That’s why the Green Party is supporting this demonstration."

Caroline has also added her own name to the list of those supporting the demo and Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, has agreed to speak at the central London demo.

Jean Lambert added:

"Through systematic campaigns, far-right organisations are instilling a sense of fear based on racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and the vilification of refugees and asylum seekers. They distort the truth and lie to the public. We cannot and should not sit idly by and allow such bigoted beliefs to be spouted unchallenged.

"We need to urgently come together to unite against such abhorrent attitudes and challenge the lies. This country has social problems that need to be fixed for the benefit of all."

Other supporters include: Stop the War Coalition, Canon Barry Naylor Diocese of Leicester, Kevin Cadwallender writer, Paul Jones assistant secretary IPS Group PCS, Pete Goddard regional learning coordinator for Yorkshire and the Humber, R&C Group PCS, Jon Gamble secretary Watford TUC, Kaye Horsfield PCS group equalities officer, Ismail Patel The Lethal Dose Media Group and Leicester Muslim Defence League.

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