Green Party selects Alan Duffell in Tower Hamlets Mayoral Election

The Green Party has selected Alan Duffell as the candidate for the Mayor of Tower Hamlets election due to be held on Thursday 21 October 2010.

Alan is an active and engaged member of the local Green Party, having stood as a candidate in this year’s local elections and contributed to the general election campaign in the months leading up to May. He is active in the local community, getting to know local residents and hearing their views. He works as a Duty Manager for London Underground, and is also on the Board Of Trustees at Stepney City Farm.

At 25, Alan is the candidate who will engage with the young people of Tower Hamlets, involving them in the running of the borough and building up political interest in the next generation. He strongly believes that politics should involve people of all ages.

Alan Duffell says:

"The Green Party represents a major shift in politics. We are the party that demonstrates the need for true democracy in Tower Hamlets, giving voters the power to decide what happens in the borough, not big business or special interest groups.

"We are opposed to cuts, and believe that creating new jobs and investing in new industries is the only way to bring the country out of recession. This is why the Greens are the party who will make our borough the pleasant and safe place that its people deserve. Now is the time to vote Green."

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