Greens launch £6bn jobs plan for London

The Green Party has reinforced its commitment to tackling rising unemployment in the capital with the announcement that it would invest £6bn to create over 150,000 jobs in areas such as workforce training, renewable energy, public transport, social housing and waste management.

The package is just one of several bold initiatives laid out in the Greens’ new Action Plan for London [1] – launched yesterday – to address the triple economic, environmental and social crises.

Green Party parliamentary candidate for Lewisham Deptford and chair of the London Assembly, Darren Johnson, said:

"We are the only party offering fully costed policies that will get Londoners back to work, reduce the poverty gap and create a more sustainable economy. There’s vital work to be done. We urgently need to bring London’s housing up to green standards and this will in turn create jobs for builders, plumbers, electricians and engineers. As a Green MP I will press for a free insulation scheme for every home that would save a typical household around £150 per year on fuel bills."

The Greens are calling for an increase in the national minimum wage to ensure people have enough money to provide for themselves and their families. Green councillors in Lewisham have already been successful in securing a Living Wage of at least £7.60 for council contractors.

Johnson adds:

"A more equal society really is a happier, more productive society. Unsurprisingly, research shows that people who are paid a reasonable wage are more motivated and thus work harder and are less likely to leave their jobs. Greens want to banish poverty pay for good."

Notes to editors

[1] The Green Party’s Action Plan for London can be downloaded here.




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