Green Party policies come tops in independent survey

The Green Party has received a significant boost to its election campaign with the news that when voters take part in a blind survey of party policies – including Labour, Tory, Lib Dem, Green, UKIP and BNP – they are most likely to choose Green Party policies.

Over 84,305 people have so far (April 12th) taken part in the in the ‘Vote for Policies’ online survey [1], and the Green Party is way ahead of its rivals with 28% of participants choosing Green policies. The party appears to be taking the lead in all policy categories and not just environmental ones.

A Green Party spokesperson commented:

"This survey result proves what we have been saying for a long time, that when people get to hear about our policies they often like what they see. It reinforces what we are hearing on the street and on the doorstep – that the public are ready to elect their first Greens to Parliament and want to see more of our policies put into practice at every level of government."

Notes to editors

[1] Vote for Policies, allows you to compare policies from six UK political parties on a range of key issues. Once you have selected the policies you agree with you will be shown which parties they belong to.

The survey results are currently showing:

* Green Party 28.37%
* Lib Dems 18.01%
* Labour 16.99%
* Conservatives 16.22%
* UKIP 10.91%
* BNP 9.51%

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