New book ‘Why Vote Green’ by Shahrar Ali

London Green Party is pleased to announce the publication of a new book by Shahrar Ali, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Brent Central.

In a concise paperback, commissioned by Biteback publishers ahead of the general election, Shahrar Ali introduces Green Party politics to the general reader. The series of Why Vote books includes titles for each of the main political parties.

Shahrar Ali said, "I aim to tell the general reader why there has never been a more important time to vote Green. I look at what makes us a distinctive and radical force for social and political change. I explain why facing up to the urgency of the climate change challenge requires a Green economic system which promotes quality of life without costing the planet."

Jenny Jones, Green London Assembly Member, said, "Shahrar has produced a great read that will inform and inspire in equal quantities. He faithfully describes what is right and what is wrong about politics and pushes the Green alternative at every page. Shahrar connects Greens with the likes of Rosa Parks and her refusal to give in to a racist request on a bus in 1955 Alabama."

Jenny Jones continued: "Shahrar powerfully reasons why the pursuit of short-term goals, through politics or war, produces more harm than good. ‘Why Vote Green’ will be invaluable for the general reader searching to vote for a radical political party fit for the scale and urgency of the problems faced by humanity today."

Shahrar Ali continued: "Greens promote a just society that cares for the most vulnerable in society, our future children and other creatures. In Why Vote Green, I expose the double standards of foreign invasions and the harms of this government’s anti-terror legislation. We must fight for what we believe in and vote Green!"

Notes to Editors

1. ‘Why Vote Green’ is one of a series of books commissioned by Biteback publishers ahead of the 2010 general election. Other titles in the series, all out this week, introduce the policies of the Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and SNP. There is also a title asking Why Vote? in general. For series titles see

2. Dr Shahrar Ali will be speaking at a public meeting on Tuesday 2 March at 7.30pm in Willesden Green Library Centre. Shahrar will talk about the need for humans to face up to the climate change challenge on both a local and global scale through radical social and political action. The event, entitled "After Copenhagen: How do we fight Climate Change?", is organised by the Campaign Against Climate Change and is open to all.

3. ‘Why Vote Green’ is not the offical Green Party manifesto but is an account of Green Party politics from the point of view of a general election candidate and is available from Amazon and Waterstones bookstores.


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