Anti-war campaigner is Green candidate for Bethnal Green & Bow

The Green Party in Tower Hamlets has announced that local anti-war campaigner, Farid Bakht, will be the party’s parliamentary candidate for the constituency of Bow and Bethnal Green in this year’s General Election.

Mr Bakht, who has been running successful small businesses in Whitechapel and Brick Lane for the past twelve years, says: "Only Green policies can revive our high streets, create new jobs and offer protection against the harsh winds of recession. Roman Road and Bethnal Green markets would be priorities, as well as more investment in the 2012 Games with decent jobs for local people."

Looking to the Next Generation, suffering high levels of youth unemployment and mired in debt, Farid Bakht continues: "We need to defend young people against the savage cuts to education and train them for jobs in the emerging Green industries and abolish student tuition fees.

"It’s time to heal the polarisation of communities and bring unity to the area. Greens can do this by offering a fresh, more democratic alternative to the unjust policies of the major parties and give people more of a say in the decisions affecting their lives."

Farid Bakht has a high profile role within the Green Party as International Coordinator on its National Executive Committee . He was born in Hackney, to a mother from the Basque country in Spain, and a father from Sylhet in Bangladesh. He is married and has a nine-year old daughter.

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