Mayor backing out of leading the Police Authority

Reacting to the news that Boris Johnson is stepping down as the chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA), the Green Party’s Home Affairs spokesperson and member of the MPA, Jenny Jones said:

"The Mayor made a clear commitment to Londoners in his election manifesto to personally take charge of the Police Authority. He has now gone back on his word, realising that being both Mayor and chair of the MPA is just too much for one person to do properly. It was an ill thought out promise, and one that showed his lack of experience.

"The Met are facing difficult times ahead, with budgets being cut in all areas. The chair of the MPA needs to take the time to understand this complex organisation to provide effective leadership. Boris Johnson has not really been involved from the beginning and perhaps feels it is time to stop pretending".

Notes to editors

In Boris Johnson’s manifesto, the following commitment was first on the list for crime:

"Provide strong leadership: by taking responsibility and chairing the Metropolitan Police Authority and using my influence to tear up red tape and needless form-filling, so we can get more police out on the streets."

Jenny Jones is our candidate for London Mayor 2012. For more information on her campaign, please visit


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