Greens launch petition about Arcade site in Walthamstow

The Waltham Forest and Redbridge Green Party has launched a petition about the Arcade site in central Walthamstow.

The petition calls on the council to ensure that any development of the site takes account of some basic principles – buildings should be in sympathy with the character of Walthamstow, no building should be above 6 storeys, the development should include small shop units suitable for independent local businesses and the buildings should be green producing zero carbon & using renewable energy.

Sarah Cope, the Green Party’s Parliamentary candidate for Walthamstow, joined other Greens including Jean Lambert, MEP for London, and local residents, in Walthamstow market on Saturday to collect signatures.

"Many people were happy to sign the petition" said Sarah, "as they agreed that these principles should be part of any redevelopment. We will be collecting more signatures in future weeks to show the council the strength of local opinion on this issue."






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