Lewisham Greens: “More wind and less hot air”

Save Vestas banner Darren Johnson

Pictured: Cllr Darren Johnson AM and Cllr Romayne Phoenix outside the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

Darren Johnson, parliamentary candidate for Lewisham Deptford, spoke a rally last night against the closure of the Vestas wind turbine factory.

Cllr Darren Johnson addressed the rally on 17 September outside the Department for Energy and Climate Change in Whitehall.

Protesters want ministers to intervene to save the Vestas plant and create the right conditions for other green industry firms to thrive.

After the rally, Cllr Johnson said:

"The closure of the only major wind turbine factory in the UK says everything you need to know about this Government’s commitment to renewable energy. There is a strong case for Government intervention to harness the skills and enthusiasm of these workers to help our fight against climate change.

"We need more wind and less hot air. If climate change minister Joan Ruddock is serious about her job title she needs to ensure that the Vestas wind turbine plant is saved and joined by many more plants across the country."

Cllr Johnson is campaigning to replace Ms Ruddock as MP for Lewisham Deptford, where the Greens came a close second to Labour in the recent Euro elections.


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