London Mayor still a year short on rape crisis funding

The London mayor has more than doubled the amount of money budgeted for four rape crisis centres, after facing repeated questions about the shortfall of funding. The Mayor allocated £233,000 in his annual budget. Jenny Jones had attempted to amend his budget in February to increase funding to the £744,000 a year required for the four centres.

Jenny Jones said:

"I welcome the extra funding, but Boris is four months behind in taking action and still a year short of the required cash. Many women have welcomed his strong words on violence against women, but he is still dragging his feet on the one solid proposal he has committed to. If you promise something you must jolly well get on and deliver it. A lot of women need these centres and need them immediately. Women in London have been let down by the police over the Worboys case and other investigations into rape. In my view the Mayor is still only giving them two thirds of his promise of more support."



*    In the London Assembly Budget Committee held on the 16th of December, the Mayor stated that whilst he still intended to deliver four rape crisis centres in London, only £233,000 has been budgeted for this project in 2009/10, with the aim of encouraging boroughs and other partners to fund a further £233,000.  At least £744,000 annually is needed to fund the Mayor’s commitment.

*    In a press release of 29th May, the London Mayor has increased his funding to £1.4 million over three years.

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