Mayor must convince London Councils on Living Wage

Darren Johnson has welcomed the Mayor’s latest increase to the London Living Wage to £7.60 per hour, a rise of 15p.

A Freedom of Information request in March revealed that only four London boroughs have incorporated the requirement to pay the London Living Wage into their procurement policies.

Darren Johnson said:

"If all Londoners are to get a fair pay deal, then we need to start by getting our local governments to implement the Living Wage to all their workers and contractors. It is a disgrace that only a few London councils have policies that safeguard their whole workforce from poverty wages. London councils should follow the examples of Transport for London, London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and the Greater London Authority in adopting a Living Wage policy and ensuring quality of life for all staff, including contract staff."

"In a recession it is all to easy for councils and contractors to make savings by paying workers the national minimum wage, but in London the minimum wage is no better than poverty pay. I have called on the London Mayor to encourage local London councils to implement a Living Wage policy for all their workers, include contract workers."

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