“Can’t blame people for losing faith in politics, ” says top Green

Darren Johnson, chair of the London Assembly, today spoke out on the expenses row that has rocked British politics.

He said: "The MPs’ expenses debacle has really undermined the public’s faith in the political process and in politicians. And I can’t say I blame people for losing faith. As a councillor and London Assembly Member I have always been used to operating under ultra-strict rules about what we can and can’t claim for. So I’m utterly appalled at what many MPs have been allowed to get away with.

"With elections to the European Parliament coming up on June 4th I am sure many people are wondering whether it’s worth bothering to vote at all. But that worries me. If the turnout is really low it makes it easier for the BNP to win a seat. So to decent people who cannot bear the thought of voting Labour, Conservative or Lib-Dem this time, I urge them to think about voting Green. Not only will this help elect more Green Party MEPs, it is also a positive vote for the future. As we said in our election broadcast – if you don’t want things to continue as they are, if you think fairness, integrity and the environment belong in politics then think about voting Green."

The Green Party launched its Euro-election campaign this week with a manifesto designed to create a million UK jobs, slash carbon emissions, protect and improve public services and improve quality of life.

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