MEP joins largest-ever call for justice for migrants

Jean Lambert, London’s Green Party MEP, will add her voice to the largest-ever call for justice for migrants, joining thousands of demonstrators at the Strangers Into Citizens rally in central London on Bank Holiday Monday 4 May.

Jean will be among speakers addressing the marchers at a rally in Trafalgar Square, where Asian Dub Foundation will lead an impressive line up of live acts.

Strangers Into Citizens is a campaign calling for an ‘earned amnesty’ for long-term migrants, [1] organised by the Citizen Organising Foundation, an umbrella group of civic organisations including London Citizens [2].

It arose after organisers of the London Citizens Living Wage campaign witnessed at first hand the discrimination and exploitation suffered by irregular migrants who found themselves at the lower end of the labour market. Many of the migrants were trapped in difficult situations – unable to return home, but with no hope of improving their prospects in the UK.

Fifteen thousand people, including Jean, joined the first Strangers Into Citizens rally in 2007, and campaigners hope this year’s May Day event will be even more successful.

Jean Lambert MEP, an expert on migration and asylum issues, and a longstanding supporter of London Citizens, said:

"This Strangers into Citizens rally promises to be a great show of people power to call for justice and equality.

"Some migrants cannot return home, and for others leaving the UK would mean leaving families established and settled here. The system must change to make it easier for people to stay on the right side of the rules. Granting these individuals the legal right to work would end the potential for exploitation by unscrupulous employers and could generate an additional £1 billion in taxes for the economy.

"The proposed ‘earned amnesty’ could bring an end to the terrible experiences suffered by many who come to the UK, and specifically London, in the hope of a better life. It’s time that we offered those who are desperate to legitimately contribute to our society and our economy the opportunity to do so."

To join the rally, meet at Tothill Street, Westminster, SW1 at 11.30am on Monday 4 May to march to Trafalgar Square for a rally at 12 noon. For full details visit

Notes to Editors

[1] The Strangers Into Citizens campaign is seeking a two-year "leave to remain" period for migrants who have lived in the UK for four or more years, during which they would work legally and demonstrate their contribution to society. After that period, subject to references and knowledge of English, migrants would be granted permanent leave to stay in the UK.

[2] The Citizens Organising Foundation is an alliance of faith and community organisations in London and Birmingham, representing 250,000 from a huge variety of cultures and backgrounds. London Citizens is a grassroots charity working for social, economic and environmental justice in the capital.



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